Quick Start
Welcome to Lexington Themes
Lexington Themes provides Astro.js and Tailwind themes for various purposes, including design, development, business, and personal use. The themes are designed with different functionalities and customization options.
- Node.js - v16.12.0 or higher.
- Text editor - I recommend VS Code with the Official Astro extension.
- Terminal - Astro is accessed through its command-line interface (CLI).
Getting Started
To install all dependencies all you will have to do is to run:
# installs all dependencies
npm install
Other important commands to take into account
# Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
npm run dev
# Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run build
# Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run preview
# Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro
# Get help using the Astro CLI
npm run astro --help
Learn more about Astro’s commands go to Astro’s documentation
File Structure
All templates are following the same structure
- …all favicons…⇣
- …all images…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- …all components…⇣
- BaseHead.astro
- …all posts…⇣
- BaseLayout.astro
- …[…slug]
- …[tag]
- …index
- …all pages…⇣
- global.css
- env.d.ts
- astro.config.mjs
- custom-theme.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tailwind.config.js
- ts.config.json
The majority of visual media utilized in the templates are subject to copyright laws of their respective owners. In instances where the images feature individuals, they are procured from Unsplash, Coverr, or Pexels, while for other cases, they are sourced from the Fimga community files. However, it’s worth noting that these images do not undergo a process of optimization to enhance their quality and most of them are linked from where the image is hosted to avoid bloat on the template..
The templates feature icons taken from different free and open-source collections, ensuring your website or application has a clean, professional look. Each icon used will be attributed to its respective project, maintaining both quality in design and openness in sourcing.
Certain templates may or may not contain proprietary fonts, which are externally linked from a content delivery network (CDN) and not packaged with the template. These fonts are primarily intended for visual enhancements.
Your theme support service covers general questions about theme functionality and helps with feature configuration and removing bugs or issues.
Your theme support service does not cover lessons on how to use HTML, Astro, TailwindCSS, Alpine.js or other programming language.
All themes come with support included, you can contact me by sending me and email here.
If you have purchase an individual or team bundle you will have access to a Discord Channel for lifetime support. You will find the link on your Bundle package. As a .txt file on the root of the folder.
Note* While I can help you sort out any issues you encounter with the templates it’s your responsibility to learn how to use HTML, Astro and Tailwind CSS
You can do that here
You can find Find Lexington Themes on Twitter:
Follow Lexington on X
You can read all about the license on license page
When you purchase any Lexington product, any improvements to that product will always be free for anyone who owns that product.
Individual templates: any enhancements made to a specific template will be provided to you at no additional cost as part of your original purchase. This includes bug fixes or upgrades to the template’s utilization of the most recent versions of Astro, Alpinejs, or Tailwind CSS. If a new template is released, it is considered to be a distinct product that can be purchased on an individual basis. Alternatively, you can purchase the bundle, which includes all templates available.
Bundles ⏤ you will receive access to all presently available site templates, as well as any future templates or component packages that are introduced, at no additional expense. Essentially, this implies that if a new website template or component package is added to the Lexington Bundle, you will be able to access these items as part of your original purchase, without incurring any additional fees for upgrading. Additionally, all templates are included in the bundle.
Note ⏤ When a template is updated and requires breaking changes, the latest version will be removed from the library and it will be replace with the newest version. You are responsabile to download it from your library files from Lemon Squeezy.